Floriana Iovino


Floriana Iovino

Floriana Iovino is an Italian pianist who recently earned her Master of Performance degree from the Royal College of Music, London, where she studied under renowned professors Sofia Gulyak, Ilya Kondratiev, and Alexander Romanovsky.

She previously graduated with honors from the Conservatorio A. Pedrollo in Italy. Following her graduation, she was awarded a scholarship to further her studies at the Steinway Society Piano Academy under the guidance of pianist Federico Gianello.

Floriana has participated in masterclasses with world-renowned concert pianists such as Benedetto Lupo, Aleksandar Madzar, Filippo Gamba, Boris Berman, and Massimiliano Ferrati.

Throughout her time in Italy, she performed as a soloist in prestigious venues, including the Padiglione delle Feste in Castrocaro Terme, where she won the Special Prize “Marco Allegri” in a competition for Italy’s top graduates (2016). Other notable performances include those at Cinema Teatro Kolbe in Mestre (2016), Palazzo Cavagnis in Venice (2017), Vinitaly Expo in Verona (2017 and 2018), Circolo Ufficiali di Padova (2018), and Cittadella Villa Rina for the Cittadella Piano Festival (2020). In London, Floriana has performed in concerts organized by the Royal College of Music (2021) and at St. Michael’s Church in Sittingbourne following her graduation (2022).

Floriana has received recognition in both national and international piano competitions, including the Special Prize “Marco Allegri” at Castrocaro Terme, where she was the only pianist awarded that year (2016). She has also earned the third prize at the International Piano Competition “Piove di Sacco,” the second prize at the International Piano Competition “A. Salieri,” the second prize at the International Piano Competition “Città di Padova,” and the second prize at the International Music Competition “Les Musicales du Centre” (2022).